Welcome to my blog; inspired by Hemmingway's A Moveable Feast, a desire to record the more succulent and misshapen nuggets of my Parisian adventure in nibble-size lobes for your light-entertainment and my anticipated future memory failure, and to get some things off my chest and onto yours.

Friday, 20 January 2012

Classical Guitarist in Paris

As a way of tying in all that I do in Paris, along with the drawing, as mentioned in the last and shockingly only post of 2011(!), here are links to my music.

These are Myspaces for me as concert classical guitarist,  wedding and propoals in Paris guitarist and my ongoing pop solo project Automatate.

Here are two videos.  Hope you enjoy them...

The first is of me playing a beautiful Edith Piaf song, L'Hymne à l'Amour, arranged by Roland Dyens which I first heard living in Paris, and I have sinced performed it several times.  Note the absurdity of the look on my face just before I begin...

The second is a video for my song 'Disco Shoes' which my friend Film Ryan filmed for me in 2010 with a little help from some friends.  The song was recorded by outsider folkist and part time recording engineer Sweet Baboo.

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