Welcome to my blog; inspired by Hemmingway's A Moveable Feast, a desire to record the more succulent and misshapen nuggets of my Parisian adventure in nibble-size lobes for your light-entertainment and my anticipated future memory failure, and to get some things off my chest and onto yours.

Sunday, 22 May 2011


I have been drawing, and thought I would share some of my pictures with you on my new blog, 'Crayons look better than they taste'.

The pictures all have titles which are complimentary and have what I think of as a totally dependent relationship, where neither could exist without the other.  I never call pictures 'Untitled'; it's such a waste.

I am inspired by the humourous drawings of  Marc Johns, David Shrigley, Quenton Miller, Amy Jean Porter, John Lurie, Banksy and Hugleikur Dagsson amongst others.

Please take a peep here: http://crayonslookbetterthantheytaste.blogspot.com/